Why Futon Sofa Beds Direct?
When one of the UK's leading manufacturers of Futons, Futon Beds and Futon Sofa Beds, Kyoto Futons Ltd, became our neighbour, we realised we were able to reliably source an ideal product for our customers.
Having investigated the availability of Futons and Futon Sofa Beds on the Internet, we found the options are very limited and that on current sites, products were either very expensive, had limited home delivery options or service levels were poor.
With our existing distribution capabilities and Mail Order experience we are able to offer single, two seat and three seat futons and futon sofa beds, as well as futon mattresses, covers and cushions at discounted prices and with our excellent level of service.
We know that our unique combination of quality goods at the right price, will make dealing with us a pleasure. We look forward to your custom.
If you have any questions about our online, shopping or products, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us direct at enquiries@futonsofabedsdirect.co.uk. We also have some great product videos on our YouTube channel - Futons Sofa Beds and Folding Bed Videos on YouTube
Have complete shopping peace of mind.
At Futon Sofa Beds Direct we know how important customer service is, and that’s why we are committed to the same level of customer service that you would expect to see in your local high street store. Please click on read the information provided in the below links.